Daily Routine Example
Open at 7 and enjoy free play outside
8 Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands and prep for Breakfast
8:15 Begin breakfast
9 Toileting, Wash Hands, Large Group Circle Time activities with Movement
930 Announcements, Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Small Group-Centers
10 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Bible Story, Music & Movement
1030 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Table Activity, Art, Math, Science, etc.
11 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Small Group-Centers
1130 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Outside for Planned Physical Activity
12 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Lunch followed by Nap Prep
1 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Rest Time
3 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Music & Movement
330 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Snack Time
4 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Small Group-Centers
420 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Outside for Planned Physical Activity
440 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Large Group-Closing Circle, Game, Activity, Music & Movement, or Story Time
450 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Small Group-Centers
515 Cognitive Transition, Toileting, Wash Hands, Outside for moderate activities
6 Center Closed